So much excitement under the Big Top! Become a brave tightrope walker, a grumpy ringmaster, and other spectacular circus characters in these first 2 weeks of June’s PAL+ circus-themed activities, offered to give you an understanding of our Playful Arts & Learning (PAL) program.
Our Gift to You is two complimentary weeks of lesson videos, audio files, arts components lesson plans, and graphics files with your students! The remaining weeks are fully available with a monthly or annual purchase. This week is designed for the month of June but is wonderful at any time! The recommended children’s book required for the Drama component is “Olivia Saves the Circus” by Ian Falconer, available through major retailers and at libraries.Just for Kids Send parents their free access pass to the classical music audio tracks which your students experience in class! Just copy & paste the description below along with the letter from the clickable link.
Classical Music for Every Child!
The award-winning classical music program Fun with Composers is making it possible for teachers and parents to share the gift of classical music with their child – the same magical music by the great composers which comes directly from the Playful Arts & Learning – Early Years Integrated Arts Curriculum.
Click here to log into the Just for Kids Classical Music Page for your child! Follow the simple steps on the page and bookmark it for easy access in the future!
The gift of music is timeless and these moments are priceless!