We provide two methods for our valued retailers to embed a link to our FREE download of the Marriage of Figaro Lesson Plan. You are under no obligation from us what-so-ever to have an affiliate form (from/on our site – Method 1 below). However, we do encourage you to find a way to take advantage of this free give away to at least capture leads for your own follow-up marketing of our products, as well as be able to track downloads, assuming you can find a lead-capture method similar to what we are using on our site.
METHOD 1 – Lead Generation
This first method is our preferred method. It sends the new recipient of the FREE lesson plan to a lead generation form giving them the opportunity to sign up to our mail list in order to receive the lesson plan download, which is sent to them in the auto-response confirmation email. If you, as our retailer, would prefer to not have them sign up to our FWC list, we suggest you set it up so you can collect their name and email address for opt in follow-up correspondence.
Copy & Paste the code snippet below onto your web site…
[sourcecode language=”plain”]</p>
<div style=margin-top: 10px;" align="center">
<a href="http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=ryybxcdab&p=oi&m=1102824137489&sit=dgiovxteb&f=ae3ce70d-dab7-40e2-a9d0-c66255114163" target="_blank"><br />
<img class="aligncenter" alt="Fun with Composers – Marriage of Figaro Lesson Plan FREE Download" src="https://funwithcomposers.com/wp-content/uploads/FWC_BannerAd-V-Marriage_of_Figaro_FREE_sm.png" width="160" height="184" /><br />
METHOD 2 – No Lead Generation
This method simply posts a banner with a direct link to the FREE download of the Marriage of Figaro Lesson Plan .ZIP file which provides no way to collect their opt in contact info for future follow-up or correspondence. Please take into consideration that the incentive for giving this free lesson is to encourage customers to purchase other Fun with Composers resources and services, so we encourage our retailers to set up the free download in such a way that enables them to do just that.
If a direct link is only possible , we appreciate if you’d consider adding it to your website and setting it up as a lead generator in the future.
Copy & Paste the code snippet below onto your web site…
[sourcecode language=”plain”]<br />
<a href="https://funwithcomposers.com/wp-content/uploads/product/FunWithComposers_PreK-Gr3_vol1_Marriage-of-Figaro_free.zip"><br />
<img class="aligncenter" alt="Fun with Composers – Marriage of Figaro Lesson Plan FREE Download" src="https://funwithcomposers.com/wp-content/uploads/FWC_BannerAd-V-Marriage_of_Figaro_FREE_sm.png" width="160" height="184" /><br />
If you need any assistance with adding this code to your site, or have any questions or concerns, please fill out the comment form below…