New! (Pre K–Gr.6) By SUE HARVIE
F–U–N ‘n GAMES GALORE is a “LOOT BAG” of interactive games and activities
Designed to capture creativity and ignite imagination. Students will speak, sing, dance and play everything from the “Funky Chicken” to “Cola Wars”, all while imbedding skills and concepts which correspond to National Standards. Over 18 lessons including Seasonal Songs, Ice Breakers, Cup Games, Sea Chanteys, and MORE!
Sue is an accomplished K through 6 music specialist for the Calgary Board of Education. She is trained in Orff-Schulwerk and holds her Masters of Education (Elementary Music) from the University of Alberta. Sue has presented workshops all over North America and teaches Orff Level I at the University of Alberta.
The Instructional DVD demonstrates the teaching process and the final presentation of each selection with a multi-aged classroom of students.
A Teacher and Kid-Friendly resource for music specialists and classroom teachers (DVD with lessons and final outcomes included).
Simply F-U-N!
Sue Harvie’s materials are wonderful! They are packed with musical integrity, interest, and fun! Our students always loved activities that Sue presented in a workshop setting. The best indicator… the smiles on those faces!
~ Jeff Kriske and Randy DeLelles
The only term that adequately describes Sue Harvie’s work as an elementary music educator is master teacher. This book contains an exciting collection of engaging music lessons devised with Ms. Harvie’s characteristic attention to clear teaching process that will result in the development of children’s musical skills and conceptual understanding.
~ Dr. Robert De Frece, Professor Emeritus (Music and Music Education), University of Alberta
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